Sunday, September 20, 2009

The 13th reality book 2

This series has been kinda sweet i like the idea with the multiverse and you can travel to

different versions of your universe it makes it exiting and you keep wondering if the characters

will meet their other self and what would happen supposedly is horrible.

I read the whole book which was 442 pgs it took me around 4 1/2 hours the book was way more

exiting then the first book because they finally got to travel to different universes but this time it

wasn't on purpose they had their locators hijacked which made it possible for the hijacker to

transport them to any universe he wanted and so Reginald Chu then sent them to different

universes but he had them have to solve clues riddles to save their lives it was very exiting and

fast moving.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The 13th reality

The book is really cool ive read 239 pgs in about 3 1/2 hours the book is about a kid named tick

who gets a mysterious letter from a dude named MG and it leads him on tons of adventures, and

there is also a bad person named mistress jane who tries to kill him and sends evil stuff to kill

cause he is supposidly going to stop her from destroying the realities and merging them which

will create totall chaos. He also discovers he not the only one who got letters and he makes

friends with Sofia and Paul and they travel to diffrent realities and it's a way sweet book. Tick

also makes friends with the people behind the letters MG master george, rutger and mothball all

wierd people but so far its a pretty good book.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What the Birds See

It was a random book i picked up, started off kinda exiting,

but then dulled down into a wierd story about a kids boring old life,

but its kinda cool it swiches point of views from the boy to the grandma to the author,

but other than that its boring the ending is kinda creepy.

Sadly its a book where you have to think when you read which sucks so it was an okay book but not my type it had so little action or huge events except for the end which mad me mad.

It also bothered me how the book didnt have much to do with the title except for the

creepy poem in the end and when the kid meets a girl.
But it does capture the sadness of a kid when no one wants him and his train of thought and curiosity.